Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Motherfucking Christmas

Anyone else have a stressful, unhappy christmas season? I blame my Mother, Brother, Girlfreind's father, and Good 'ole Mother Nature. i'm not gonna rant about this again, cause if i care for you to hear it, you've almost certainly heard it, and probably reading this, therefore, if you are reading this, you probably know already. so yeah. christmas sucked this year. fuck you family.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day

Happy belated slaughter the natives and take their land day!

fuck you all, i fucking LOVE canned cranberry sauce.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


@Cris(epicfordessert.blogspot.com), I'm going to go have a drink and a smoke, then i'm gonna take a nap.

@everyone else, i have motherfucking glass in my hands. fiber glass. as in, glass so small, you can't actully see it well enough to remove it. to all of you who work with fiber glass insulation, when you work with it or knock it down accidentally, sweep and/or vaccum. because that shit gets everywhere, and it fucking hurts!

Friday, November 19, 2010

tailmeálaithe leat madra ghránna

Fuck math, fuck pointless bullshit, fuck classes that have no useful application. and just because i'm tired and pissed off, fuck you

Thursday, November 18, 2010

hello my droogies

Howdy, you strange strange people. welcome to my blog, why are you here? in the hopes that I'm here to entertain you? well that is a secondary objective, I'm ACTUALLY here to (lovingly) insult my counterpart, Cris, (http://www.blogger.com/profile/01572995196106915381) and (not so lovingly) insult anything and everything else, as well as talk about things like guitars and rock music, the former of which i love to an almost sexual degree(yes I'm strange). in other words, i come from DC to shamelessly antagonize everybody, anybody, anything and everything! Let us begin madraí amaideach